Cheney dick harry purpose shot whittington
Harry Whittington, the Republican lawyer shot by Dick Cheney in a hunting accident in Texas last weekend, emerged from hospital yesterday and apologised to the vice-president for all the trouble the shooting had caused. Mr Whittington, who suffered a minor heart attack when a shotgun pellet lodged near his heart, absolved Mr Cheney of any responsibility. As he was discharged from hospital in Corpus Christi, he said: "We all assume certain risks in whatever we do, whatever activities we pursue. And regardless of how experienced, careful and dedicated we are, accidents do and will happen. Mr Whittington, whose face was still bruised but who otherwise appeared healthy, said: "My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice-President Cheney and his family have had to go through this past week. He added: "We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves.
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Safety Lessons Learned from the Dick Cheney Shooting Accident
Anatomy of A Shooting - TIME
And they had Cheney with a rifle. A rifle is a weapon you use for deer and hogs. Overall, Whittington, who acknowledged that at age 91 he's not looking to break into the movie criticism business, also said he found the film "very disjointed. I'm with Whittington on that last part, but I tend to think lots of movies are too loud. Update No. It had been a great display of many of the great cars collected by the late Richard Burdick. Many of the cars at its peak, Burdick's collection topped vehicles have been or will be auctioned elsewhere.
Media frenzy intensifies over Cheney shooting incident
The lawyer shot five years ago by then-Vice President Dick Cheney told The Washington Post Thursday that his injuries from the hunting accident were more extensive than revealed at the time. Harry Whittington, 82 and still working as a lawyer in Austin, has kept the blood-stained orange safety vest he was wearing when Cheney opened fire, peppering him with lead shot, the Post reported. He suffered a collapsed lung during the incident and had what doctors believe was a mild heart attack. Whittington still has about 30 pieces of shot inside his body and speaks with what he describes as "a warble" caused by one that pierced his larynx. Another is near his heart, too deep to remove safely.
February 16, Right or wrong, the White House press corps has behaved like a dog with a bone over the story of Vice President Cheney's hunting accident. If Mr. Cheney or his staff had come out in a timely fashion with an explanation of what took place at the Armstrong ranch near Corpus Christi, Texas, last Saturday, everyone could have moved on, say public relations professionals.
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