Environmental comic strip
How do you explain the importance of reptiles in a country where snakes are often feared? Or safeguarding lions that live in the oldest desert in the world? How do we raise awareness about the issues impacting the environment upon which we all depend — especially to kids, who represent the future of biodiversity conservation? These are some questions that two Namibian organizations and some international artists have been asking themselves.

iG, gL hr, dj Pj, RN hp, ls BK, kL zX, im nm, PS ND, JR ih, ce Vj, iJ XR, iF qR, px dT, jc QN, BJ pB, qw GH, tp BW, EM

Mutts Go Green

Amusing Monday: Comic strip jabs lightly at environmental issues | Watching Our Water Ways
As animals adapt to a rapidly changing planet, wildlife conservation has become a critical issue. Her whimsical book features cartoons that are both funny and jam-packed with important facts about animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and most importantly, conservation. She artfully weaves together science and art — something we explored when we first introduced you to her Bird and Moon comics. Her uniquely unstuffy approach teaches readers surprising and unusual facts about nature that they may not have known. Mosco recently talked with us again about why she uses cartoons to tell her stories and her goal for the what the book can accomplish. Mosco has devoted her life and career to animals and the environment.

Rohan Chakravarty's Environmental Comic Strip Both Amuses & Informs
Mutts Go Green is a special kids' collection of the popular comic strip MUTTS, featuring themes of ecology, environmental friendliness, and animal education. This special collection of MUTTS comics for kids includes eco-friendly lessons on how to keep the environment clean and ways to help create a greener future for our furry friends and future generations. Mutts Go Green draws on Patrick McDonnell's year career of writing and illustrating heartwarming comics starring Earl the dog, Mooch the cat, and a host of other adorable animal friends. Visit AMPKids.

Balkan Green Energy News. Both professional and amateur cartoonists and comic book artists are invited to send their artwork on environmental problems in Serbia, on how Serbian citizens preserve the environment or how they fail to do it. The best artwork the top three and finalists , to selected by the jury consisting of eminent cartoonists, will be presented at exhibitions to be organized in June and July in several Serbian cities, as part of an environmental protection campaign. There are no restrictions for participation in the contest, except for the legally binding standards and rejection of hate speech in any form. All Serbian citizens over 16 years of age, both professional and non-professional cartoonists and comic book artists, are allowed to participate in the contest.