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The Andean cock-of-the-rock is the national bird of Peru. It is a medium-sized perching bird around 12 inches in length. The male Andean cock-of-the-rock has a bright red-orange head, neck, breast, and shoulders. It has a black body, gray wings, and a large disk-shaped crest of feathers that extends over its bill. The female is a brownish-orange over her whole body and has a smaller crest. A cloud forest is a tropical or subtropical forest that is usually covered by clouds or fog at the canopy level.

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I only wish the book had been twice as long. The most extensive catalog of stimulants was provided in the first century by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History. In ancient Greece and Rome, cures for impotence used parts of animal associated with potency. Snakes since they were popularly believed to rejuvenate themselves , and the genitalia of roosters and goats were consumed. On the forehead of a newborn foal was found a growth called the hippomanes, which, reported Aristotle, was a powerful aphrodisiac.