Petite teen has painful sex with huge dick
My husband has a big penis and every time we have sex my vulva tears. We use silicone lubricant water-based dried up too quickly and avoid certain positions, to no avail. That is the only advice I have ever found online and I am too embarrassed to ask my GP for help. This has only been a problem with my husband, not previous partners. Is there anything else we can do to avoid injury? It has reduced our sex life greatly, as it makes me nervous to initiate anything.

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I lost my virginity to someone with a 9ish incher. All I really remember about that sex is the overwhelming, displeasurable pain of having him punch my cervix with his cock. Maybe 8 inches in length but about 1.

Since you say that sex always hurts at least a little, it's likely that you're not producing enough below-the-belt lubrication. To play it safe, you might want to visit your gyno to rule out any medical problems, such as cysts or infections. But, there's a good chance that you just don't engage in foreplay long enough to become adequately aroused.