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Why Have Female Animals Evolved Such Wild Genitals?

Female condoms - NHS
Back to Your contraception guide. Female condoms are made from soft, thin synthetic latex or latex. They're worn inside the vagina to prevent semen getting to the womb. Female condoms are a barrier method of contraception worn inside the vagina.

The Vagina
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Caster Semenya has told HBO that she offered to show her vagina to athletics officials when she was 18 to prove she was female. On when she took testosterone-suppressing medication for eligibility: "I didn't know if I was having a heart attack. It's like stabbing yourself with a knife every day, but I had no choice. All right? Gender tests on Semenya reportedly showed the runner had no womb or ovaries but that she had internal testes, the male sexual organs which produce testosterone, and her levels of the hormone were three times that usually expected in a female.