Reading body language and facial expressions

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What does body language, facial features and corporate communication have to do with each other? And why should you even think about it in your business communication? Normally corporate communication does not deal with or focus on facial expressions — nor pose and posture. But in reality, there should really be a focus on both facial expressions, body language and storytelling in all your communication. The human autonomic nervous system constantly decipher micro-expressions in other people. And we constantly look for danger signals in our surroundings.
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‘The Definitive Book of Body Language’

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The wealth we are creating inadvertently pushes us further and further away from living in small communities, villages where everybody knows everybody else. When humans were surrounded by to people, you could rely on your subconscious mind to read the body language of others with no need of conscious thoughts. For that reason, learning and understanding body language, micro-expressions, and facial expressions got to be from pure curiosity, sometimes a necessity. However, you can become astute quite fast on reading the body language of others and yours with the knowledge of the experts in the field. It talks about differences in body language due to culture and location. The book is covering a wide range of topics from how to tell if someone is lying to how you should behave in interviews or business situations.
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How To Understand Body Language And Facial Expressions

Tags: Remote working. In our previous blog, we looked at some of the challenges of building a successful eTeam when your team members are not in the same office or, indeed, in the same country. One of the challenges of not being able to physically meet is the lack of physical cues in the form of body language. However true you believe this to be, there is no doubt that your body language is an extremely important part of how you communicate with your fellow team members. Because we are so used to seeing it, it is easy to take body language for granted.
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Last Updated: July 16, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Cher Gopman. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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