Aa meetings eugene oregon

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Added: 24.07.2022
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Find AA Meetings in Eugene, Oregon - AA Meeting Locator

SAA is an international fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their sexual addiction. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. There are no dues or fees for membership; we are self-supporting through our own voluntary contributions. SAA is not affiliated with any other organizations, does not wish to engage in any controversy, and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. We are grateful to AA for this gift which makes our recovery possible. If you have questions about sexual addiction or wonder if you might have a sexual addiction, see What is Sex Addiction?
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UUCWF Calendar of Events

Many recovery groups in Lane County are scrambling to find each other for meetings in the face of the novel coronavirus that has shut down the county and the state. Be they for alcohol, drugs, debt, overeating, co-dependency or other needs, they are having a difficult time scheduling meetings. Al-Anon, especially, is having problems.
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There are so many wonderful outreach organizations in Eugene, it is hard to keep track of them! These are just a few of the excellent organization that we partner with or support. EMO: Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is a statewide association of Christian denominations, congregations, ecumenical organizations and interfaith partners working together to improve the lives of Oregonians through community ministry programs, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, environmental ministry and public policy advocacy. For More Info.
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