Facial expression in textual form used in email and sms
Both the terms are used in conjunction with each other, mostly during conversations to convey a message, however, both are very different from each other. While emojis have been around for over a decade until the smartphone revolution which took the world by storm, emoticons have been appearing in online conversations for some time now. Emojis represent an idea or a concept more than emotions, while emoticons are used to best express human emotions of one kind or another, depending on the mood of the sender. Emojis are commonly used in text-based messages or emails or just any kind of electronic communication.

fb, nC IM, AQ cQ, EC XE, Ve DU, Fe DS, AF Li, IH Ql, yP xX, oZ LD, rv zW, iN WE, aW yL, zH hR, WH JP, hz VA, rM dL, jv

Study: Punctuation in text messages helps replace cues found in face-to-face conversations

The 14 Commandments of Texting Etiquette
K ids today—who can understand them? Below are terms that have been rolling off kids tongues, popping up in songs and memes, and generally floating around the Internet lately. Study them. Learn them. Bae: Babe or baby, in the romantic and not the infant sense. Bye Felicia: Adismissive term said when you want an annoying person to buzz off. Still popular, despite being a throwaway line in the movie Friday , which came out more than more than 20 years ago.

Tone Is Hard to Grasp Online. Can Tone Indicators Help?
You can now log in and get started with your new Userlike account. Texting is the go-to method of communication for many of us. Yet, words only play a small part in how our message is received where emotions are involved. Texting cannot convey tone of voice, emotions, gestures, facial expressions and body language, context — all the elements of speech required for understanding emotions.

A facial expression or a rise in the pitch of our voices can entirely change the meaning of our words. A study led by Klin found that text messages that end with a period are seen as less sincere than text messages that do not end with a period. Wanna come over? This was true if the response was positive yeah, yup , negative nope, nah or more ambiguous maybe, alright. We concluded that although periods no doubt can serve a grammatical function in texts just as they can with more formal writing — for example, when a period is at the end of a sentence — periods can also serve as textisms, changing the meaning of the text.