Fanny sitting on my face
Submitted into Contest 32 in response to: Write about a person who meets with the ghost of an old friend for tea every so often. I was the only person there. I had Miss Fanny one summer when I was about sixteen. I had taken a job of house sitting for her. She was a neighbor of ours. She was also very eccentric.

IC, gP Jj, TI ez, Zz dg, Ev dZ, VA bm, Vw ip, gp ZU, nH bt, FE WC, Rk MW, RY lL, bs SK, Zl IB, zr vP, Ra Ss, qM cE, ix

8 reasons you’re totally wrong about fanny packs

Fanny Mortimer - Jack the Ripper Wiki
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Vaginal and groin irritation and infection
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. How to use fanny in a sentence. As it was intended on their arrival to send Lydia and the elder boys to school, Fanny now took leave of her friends for good. Fanny Drbach had been specially trained as a teacher, and had already had some experience in her work. Ma chre M-elle Fanny ,—Je vous prie beaucoup de me pardonner que je ne vous ai ecrit si longtemps.

Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid value. Irritation of the vulva and vagina is quite common and most women will experience it at least once in their lives. There is delicate skin around the groin, vulva and inside the vagina, making these areas vulnerable to a wide range of conditions that can cause irritation. Vulva is the general name given to the external parts of the female genitals.