Herpis on penis

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Added: 12.08.2022
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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection STI. Genital herpes is usually spread by having vaginal, oral, or anal sex. One in five women ages 14 to 49 has genital herpes. But you can take medicine to prevent outbreaks and to lower your risk of passing genital herpes to your partner.
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Genital herpes

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Genital herpes - Wikipedia

Herpes genitalis is een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening soa. De oorzaak is een herpes simplex virus. Bij een besmetting komen er blaasjes op de huid en slijmvliezen van de penis, de vagina en de anus. Maar niet iedereen die besmet is krijgt deze klachten.
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Herpes On The Penis

Back to Health A to Z. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection STI passed on through vaginal, anal and oral sex. Treatment from a sexual health clinic can help. Symptoms clear up on their own but can come back. Go even if you have not had sex for a long time, as blisters can take months or years to appear.
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Genital warts and herpes can be hard to tell apart since they both appear in the genital area. However, genital warts are small, flesh-colored bumps whereas herpes sores look like blisters or open wounds. Both genital warts and genital herpes can be sexually transmitted through skin-on-skin contact.
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