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Male homosexuality is one of the most baffling conditions known to heterosexual man. How, for instance, can a testicle-bearing human stand in the vicinity of auburn-tressed, waifish pixie face Debra Messing , less than an arm's length away from her compact and impactful torso, and even dare to pretend not to pop a boner? But improbability never rests in the roles of Messing. Doll-like and delightful Debra donned an air of New Testament debauchery and exposed her entire naked form in profile as infamous harlot Mary Magdalene, whose life was saved--although her hole went unserved--by the Prince of Peace in Jesus Again, who can believe such a premise? Honestly, could Christ have died a virgin with a temptress such as the memorable Messing willing and open for His taking?
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By Dailymail. I was sexually harassed. Messing explained that A Walk In The Clouds was her first movie out of grad school and she was tricked into signing a nudity waiver by the producers who convinced her they couldn't show anything because the movie was PG