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While the world media is abuzz with the news of kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria, are we mindful of the girls in our homeland who are disappearing from school and subsequently from the arena of public participation and the formal job market? Who is responsible for keeping half of our girls out of schools even when there is no Taliban and no Boko Haram here? We have become as dangerous to our girls as extremists elsewhere due to our cavalier attitude to the misery of girls who are manacled by marriage before their bodies and minds are prepared to face the blows of life, sans proper schooling, sans proper age. According to the Population and Housing Census, among the Nepali married population, The NDHS report found that among the female population between 15 and 19 years of age, the percentage of married women was 40, Yet, the dwindling numbers offer no true solace because early marriage is still endemic in impoverished and downtrodden communities.
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