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April 15, 4 min read. Naked Armor. Published by Naked Armor. Do you like us to shave our body hair or go all natural? Their answers may surprise you.
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Why Do I Have a Hairy Butt, and What Should I Do About It?

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LadyGAF, are you turned off by men having hairy asses? | NeoGAF

Like many physical traits, the amount of hair on the buttocks varies from person to person. For the most part, hair on the buttocks is more of a cosmetic feature than a medical one. Your genes determine how much body hair you have, as well as what kind of hair you have, such as color and texture. So, if you have an abundance of hair on your buttocks, your parents most likely passed this trait on to you.
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Everything You Need to Know About Grooming Your Ass

When it comes to below-the-belt grooming, your junk generally gets all the attention. From shaving your balls to managing shaft hair , plus everything in between, the boys do their best to steal the spotlight whenever they can. And that, friend, is your ass. Get rid of it. Or at least, get it under control.
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I am a very hairy woman. This is, I'm assuming, at least partially because I am Greek, if that helps you with the imagery at all. I accept and even celebrate my inherent hairiness inHAIRent? I'll see myself out. When I was in primary school, the mean kids would call me werewolf when I exposed my arms.
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